Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello Again!

I had no intention of being gone this long, I promise!

Last Tuesday, the little one of the no-ordinary-illness-will-do had to be taken to the Emergency Room with a temperature of 104.8! She went to bed at 9 p.m. feeling fine and woke up a few hours later complaining of a headache. One touch to the forehead had me running for the thermometer and the motrin. The thermometer read 103.8 and the motrin came back up. So off we went to a very crowded waiting room. Luckily, the triage nurse got us back quickly and they immediately got to work on reducing the fever.

Our diagnosis? "Parainfluenza"... which is doctor-speak for not the flu, but not an ordinary cold either. This IS the child who was taken to the ER last year with a bacterial infection on her leg... so why would we expect something simple?

We've been playing catch-up ever since! Every washable item has been washed, the cleaning lady, though delayed a few days, has been round, and we are finally, finally, getting back in the groove.

The girl has been spoiled and now WANTS to be sick, so she can stay home and watch TV. And a mother who might commit an act of violence on the television if she hears the Dora the Explorer theme song one. more. time.

I've quickly been round to your places. So sorry I've missed out on your updates and news!


  1. Sorry my girl has been sick, but happy to see you back!

    Just keep your germs over that side of the pond please.

    No offence.

  2. Oh poor little girl. And poor parents too. The good news seems to be that no-one else caught her weirdo illness? Fingers crossed anyway.

  3. When your cleaning lady has finished, can you send her here to me? I could ue one! Sorry to hear of the ills. Hope all is well again soon!

  4. love the idea of you coming around to our places (i.e. blogs)...makes me want to update my blog and offer you a cyber -wine with me...
    Hope you are all back on track now...x

  5. Incidentally, I told your mom that I had heard "stories" of the little one, and she assured me they were all true. :)

  6. She's not lying Bikini. Not lying at all.

  7. Hope whatever mutant bugs the girl has been harbouring have now evacuated the premises.
