Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Royal Summons

The little Miss will be turning FIVE soon. There are lots of big things associated with leaving the immature year four behind and edging into year five. Five, apparently, means that one is a "big girl" and not a baby anymore. Little does she know that she will always, always, always be my baby!

The Cinderella invitations have been sent, the goodie bags are full of sugary treats, the cleaning lady is coming today (good luck keeping the house clean for another 42 hours, right?), the party hats, plates, cups, and napkins are neatly stacked in the pantry, ice cream is in the freezer (good luck hanging onto that for another 42 hours too)... I think we're ready!

The birthday girl has been ready for weeks and weeks. She has been checking off her list and reminding us of things than need to be done and who she wants to invite... I love that she gets to enjoy the anticipation of the event as much as the event itself now. It's as much fun for me as for her I think. Though I am rather sick of spelling out the names of her friends so she can write them down for invites. We've done that about 50 times I reckon.


  1. A-U-N-T-Y-SPACE-E-V-I-L

    Dear Abby,

    If I had a daughter, I reckon she would be just like you.

    I admire someone who is fiesty, ready to fight for what she wants, and show determination to overcome whatever difficulties stand in their way (such as mum and dad blocking the way to the chocolate in the pantry when they say it is bedtime).

    Keep being who you are, life is tough when you are a girl and you will need to be tougher to succeed.

    I hope you have a very happy 5th birthday!

    Love from AE


  2. Happy Birthday, 5 girl. You are right, 5 is very big indeed. Although, you were a beautiful baby girl and I can see why Mummy would want to keep you that way in her thoughts. Look at that sweet fluffy hair! And the crease on those pudgy arms!

  3. My baby is just about to leave 5 behind and turn 6, which really feels like the baby years are gone, gone, gone.

    I have loved the age of five in both my children. They are still really cute, and really smoochy and cuddly and lovely but they are also helpful and sociable and amazing. So I know your Abby is about to give you the most wonderful year of fiveness! Happy birthday to your baby big girl. I hope she has a fabulous Cinderella party. How could she not after all the love and preparation that's gone into it.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Goodness, how the years fly. My baby just turned 12. That scares me. Happy Birthday special girl!

  6. Happy Birthday Abby! Hope she had a great birthday party! Can't wait to see pictures.

    Much love from NJ
