Monday, October 5, 2009

Close Your Eyes

It's October. Hints of Fall are peeking at us. So close your eyes and picture this, remembering that I live in the deep south, and Fall is but a flash before a brief Winter and an early Spring.

Even so, the sun is high in the sky, the full moon hangs low at night. Leaves are edged with the beginnings of autumn color. Just a tiny touch of red, yellow, orange or brown. The barest hint of cool is in the evening breeze. Mums are beginning to dot the porches and store fronts and pumpkins are on display at the market. Today it has rained... slow and steady and a little cold... all day long. The cotton is budding in the fields. Puffs of white as far as you can see. The scent of freshly mown hay floats through an open window.

Mmmmm. Nice.

Hey! You can't read with your eyes closed, can you?


  1. Oh wow, no, I can't read with my eyes closed, but who'd want to close them when reading that?

    I feel like I am there!

    How'd my girl's party go?

  2. Your girl's party was bloody brilliant. She got an Easy Bake oven, some barbie stuff (we've already lost the shoes of course), a bag from her Aunt C (who had to be REMINDED how to spell her favorite niece's name no less)with her name embroidered on it. There was a major sugar hangover and leftover cupcakes and ice cream (yum).

  3. "Mums are beginning to dot the porches and store fronts"...I'm assuming "Mums" means something else over your way? I'm imagining mothers manically sticking coloured dots on porches and stores???

  4. Leftover cupcakes?

    I've never heard of such a thing!

    What does she want with an Easybake oven? Is that a present for her to be used by you?

    Fairlie, I presume the 'mums' she speaks of are Chrysanthemums? (sp)

    We get them in May. Makes much more sense in May.

    But I still want to go to Melinda's.

  5. hee hee. Sounds likeyou have similar weather to us, short winter long rest of the year. (Left over cupcakes? Are you sure???)
